10 Tips to Get the Most Out of Facebook

1. Be helpful.

If someone asks a question on your Facebook page, respond. If someone shares feedback, thank them and ask for more insight. When people take the time to reach out and share, return the favor with a helpful response.

2. Provide value.

From the links and content you share to the questions you ask of supporters, always ask if it would be something your constituents would find of value.

3. Tap into your influencers.

Establish strong relationships with influential members who have extensive connections. Target people who have large networks, are active on your Page and those active on your Causes Leader board with ways to engage further.

4. Leverage online events in Facebook.

Holding a run, walk, ride event or another type of fundraising event? Drive traffic and registration to offline events by inviting your Facebook members. Ask them to invite their friends. Empower them to upload personal multimedia.

5. Drive quality traffic to your website.

Use content sharing features like posting links to drive targeted traffic to your website. Directing Facebook users to your website can significantly increase qualified traffic to fundraising and advocacy opportunities.

6. Improve your SEO results.

Google, through its Social Search feature, as well as other search engines are now indexing content created on sites like Facebook. Your Fan Page content now has the potential to generate favorable search engine results for your organization.

7. Allow for email signups on your page to build your housefile.

Post a petition or integrate an email newsletter registration within your Facebook page. Rather than making supporters leave the network to sign-up, make it easy and intuitive to provide information on the spot.

8. Don’t forget the donations, either.

Increase donations in Facebook by integrating a donation form connecting directly to your donation processing. Add a “Donate Now” tab on your page to make it an obvious option to visitors.

9. Use the discussions feature to learn more about your supporters.

In a social setting like Facebook, supporters and prospects are more willing to share information. Listen. Use this for program ideas, ways to improve messaging or an opportunity to reach out directly to constituents.

10. Leverage Facebook Insights to gauge ROI.

Facebook’s Page Insights tools and dashboard help provide the most pertinent data for analysis. Use this to uncover data about comments, wall posts, “Likes” and fan demographics to help identify and target specific demographics and gauge effectiveness of campaigns.

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